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Blog: Depression (PHQ9) MDS Interview Video Tutorial

Depression potential as captured within the MDS PHQ9 interview has taken on significant attention under the PDPM reimbursement model. With industry averages nearing 25%, there are still many locations that appear to be struggling with this interview process, in some instances we’re seeing 0%. While we wish that was a true representation of the population, we sadly know how much our entire population is struggling with depression compounded by COVID induced isolation.

CMS has released a video tutorial on this crucial PHQ9 depression interview. Please find the description and link below to access and share.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is releasing a video tutorial that depicts a scenario that demonstrates the interview of a resident and subsequent coding of D0200. Resident Mood Interview (PHQ-9©) and D0300. Total Severity Score. Various interviewing tips and techniques are highlighted in the video to promote accurate coding. The video tutorial is approximately 30 minutes in length and is designed to be used on demand anywhere you can access a browser.

If you have technical questions or feedback regarding the training, please email the PAC Training mailbox: PACTraining@econometricainc.com. Content-related questions should be submitted to the SNF Quality Reporting Program Help Desk: SNFQualityQuestions@cms.hhs.gov.

Let’s Get to the Point:

Identifying potential depression accurately is the first step in being able to adequately address this debilitating condition.

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